Editorial board
Editors of this journal work on a purely voluntary basis without remuneration. This secures the freedom of taking editorial decisions purely based on scientific quality assurance without any interference with the economic interests an open-access publisher might have.

Carlo L. Bottasso
Technische Universität München
Wind Energy Institute
Wind Energy Institute

Chief editors

Sandrine Aubrun
Ecole Centrale de Nantes

Nicolaos A. Cutululis
Technical University of Denmark
DTU Wind and Energy Systems
DTU Wind and Energy Systems

Paul Fleming
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
National Wind Technology Center
National Wind Technology Center
United States

Julia Gottschall
Fraunhofer IWES

Athanasios Kolios
Technical University of Denmark
DTU Wind & Energy Systems
DTU Wind & Energy Systems

Jakob Mann
Technical University of Denmark
Wind Energy
Wind Energy

Paul Veers
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Mechanical and Thermal Energy Systems
Mechanical and Thermal Energy Systems
United States

Associate editors

Cristina Archer
University of Delaware
Center for Research in Wind (CReW)
Geography and Spatial Sciences; Mechanical Engineering
Center for Research in Wind (CReW)
Geography and Spatial Sciences; Mechanical Engineering
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control
Electrical conversion, integration and impacts
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere
Electrical conversion, integration and impacts
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere

Sandrine Aubrun
Ecole Centrale de Nantes
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere

Erin Bachynski-Polić
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Marine Technology
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Marine Technology
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control
Fluid mechanics
Wind technologies
Fluid mechanics
Wind technologies

Majid Bastankhah
Durham University
Department of Engineering
Department of Engineering
United Kingdom
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere

Sukanta Basu
University at Albany, SUNY
Atmospheric Sciences Research Center
Department of Environmental and Sustainable Engineering
Atmospheric Sciences Research Center
Department of Environmental and Sustainable Engineering
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Wind and the atmosphere

Alessandro Bianchini
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Department of Industrial Engineering of Florence (DIEF)
Department of Industrial Engineering of Florence (DIEF)
Subject areas
Subject areas
Fluid mechanics
Wind technologies
Wind technologies

Carlo L. Bottasso
Technische Universität München
Wind Energy Institute
Wind Energy Institute

Emmanuel Branlard
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Mechanical And Industrial Engineering
Mechanical And Industrial Engineering
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Fluid mechanics

Claudia Brunner
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization
Subject areas
Subject areas
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere
Wind and the atmosphere

Raúl Bayoán Cal
Portland State University
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere

Etienne Cheynet
University of Bergen
Geophysical Institute
Geophysical Institute
Subject areas
Subject areas
Wind and the atmosphere

Maurizio Collu
University of Strathclyde
Faculty of Engineering
Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering
United Kingdom
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control
Fluid mechanics
Wind technologies
Fluid mechanics
Wind technologies

Alessandro Croce
Politecnico di Milano
Aerospace Science and Technology
Aerospace Science and Technology
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control
Wind technologies
Wind technologies

Nicolaos A. Cutululis
Technical University of Denmark
DTU Wind and Energy Systems
DTU Wind and Energy Systems
Subject areas
Subject areas
Electrical conversion, integration and impacts

Nikolay Dimitrov
Technical University of Denmark
DTU Wind and Energy Systems
DTU Wind and Energy Systems
Subject areas
Subject areas
Materials and operation

Katherine Dykes
Danish Technical University
Wind Energy
Wind Energy
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control
Wind technologies
Wind technologies

Irene Eguinoa
Wind Energy
Wind Energy
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control

Paul Fleming
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
National Wind Technology Center
National Wind Technology Center
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control

Julia Gottschall
Fraunhofer IWES
Subject areas
Subject areas
Wind and the atmosphere

Yi Guo
Technical University of Denmark
DTU Wind and Energy System
DTU Wind and Energy System
Subject areas
Subject areas
Materials and operation
Wind technologies
Wind technologies

Andrea Hahmann
Technical University of Denmark
Wind and Energy Systems
Meteorology and Remote Sensing
Wind and Energy Systems
Meteorology and Remote Sensing
Subject areas
Subject areas
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere
Wind and the atmosphere

Anca Hansen
Denmark Technical University
DTU Wind
DTU Wind
Subject areas
Subject areas
Electrical conversion, integration and impacts

Weifei Hu
Zhejiang University
State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems
School of Mechanical Engineering
State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems
School of Mechanical Engineering
Subject areas
Subject areas
Materials and operation
Wind technologies
Wind technologies

Anastasia Ioannou
Technical University of Denmark
Wind and Energy Systems
Society, Market & Policy
Wind and Energy Systems
Society, Market & Policy
Subject areas
Subject areas
Electrical conversion, integration and impacts

Jennifer King
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
National Wind Technology Center
National Wind Technology Center
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control
Electrical conversion, integration and impacts
Electrical conversion, integration and impacts

Julia Kirch Kirkegaard
Technical University of Denmark
Department of Wind and Energy Systems
Department of Wind and Energy Systems
Subject areas
Subject areas
Electrical conversion, integration and impacts

Athanasios Kolios
Technical University of Denmark
DTU Wind & Energy Systems
DTU Wind & Energy Systems
Subject areas
Subject areas
Materials and operation
Wind technologies
Wind technologies

Julie Lundquist
University of Colorado Boulder
Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere

Jakob Mann
Technical University of Denmark
Wind Energy
Wind Energy
Subject areas
Subject areas
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere
Wind and the atmosphere

Johan Meyers
KU Leuven - University of Leuven
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere

Lars Pilgaard Mikkelsen
Technical University of Denmark
DTU Vindenergi COM
Composites and Materials Mechanics
DTU Vindenergi COM
Composites and Materials Mechanics
Subject areas
Subject areas
Materials and operation

Michael Muskulus
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Civil and Transport Engineering
Civil and Transport Engineering
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control
Materials and operation
Wind technologies
Materials and operation
Wind technologies

Amir R. Nejad
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Marine Technology Department
Marine Technology Department
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control
Materials and operation
Wind technologies
Materials and operation
Wind technologies

Joachim Peinke
Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Institute of Physics and ForWind - Center for Wind Energy Research
Institute of Physics and ForWind - Center for Wind Energy Research
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere

Alfredo Peña
Technical University of Denmark
Wind and Energy Systems
Metereology and Remote Sensing
Wind and Energy Systems
Metereology and Remote Sensing
Subject areas
Subject areas
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere
Wind and the atmosphere

Bonnie Ram
University of Delaware
Center for Carbon-free Power Integration
Center for Carbon-free Power Integration
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Electrical conversion, integration and impacts

Amy Robertson
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Fluid mechanics
Wind technologies
Wind technologies

Raimund Rolfes
Leibniz University Hannover
Institute of Structural Analysis
Institute of Structural Analysis
Subject areas
Subject areas
Materials and operation

Roland Schmehl
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Wind Energy
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Wind Energy
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere
Wind technologies
Fluid mechanics
Wind and the atmosphere
Wind technologies

Shawn Sheng
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Materials and operation

Jens Nørkær Sørensen
Technical University of Denmark
Wind Energy
Wind Energy
Subject areas
Subject areas
Fluid mechanics

Jonas Teilmann
Aarhus University
Aarhus University, Bioscience
Department of Bioscience
Aarhus University, Bioscience
Department of Bioscience
Subject areas
Subject areas
Electrical conversion, integration and impacts

Julie Teuwen
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Structures and Materials
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Structures and Materials
Subject areas
Subject areas
Materials and operation

Oguz Uzol
Middle East Technical University (METU)
METU Center for Wind Energy Research
METU Center for Wind Energy Research
Subject areas
Subject areas
Fluid mechanics

Jan-Willem van Wingerden
Delft University of Technology
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control

Paul Veers
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Mechanical and Thermal Energy Systems
Mechanical and Thermal Energy Systems
United States

Yolanda Vidal
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Escola d'Enginyeria de Barcelona Est
Escola d'Enginyeria de Barcelona Est
Subject areas
Subject areas
Materials and operation

Jonathan Whale
Murdoch University
Engineering and Energy
Engineering and Energy
Subject areas
Subject areas
Wind technologies

Atsushi Yamaguchi
Ashikaga University
School of Eingineering
Department of Civil Engineering
School of Eingineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Subject areas
Subject areas
Wind and the atmosphere

Mingming Zhang
Harbine Insititute of Technology,Shenzhen
School of Mechanical Engieering and Automation
Institute of Innovation Technology for Renewable Energy
School of Mechanical Engieering and Automation
Institute of Innovation Technology for Renewable Energy
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and control

Associate editors on leave

Erin Bachynski-Polić
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Marine Technology
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Marine Technology