Manuscript types
The following types of manuscripts can be considered for peer-reviewed publication in Wind Energy Science:
- Research articles report original scientific work within the scope of the journal.
- Review articles synthesize the status of knowledge based on a systematic literature review and outline future directions of research within the scope of the journal. Before preparing and submitting a review article, please contact a chief editor.
- Data description papers describe original and FAIR research data, and the planning, instrumentation, and execution of experiments, collection or generation of data. Articles may describe field or lab-scale observational data, simulation data, or combinations thereof. Although examples of data outcomes may prove necessary to demonstrate data quality, extensive interpretations of data – i.e. detailed analyses as an author might report in a research article – remain outside the scope of this manuscript type. WES data descriptions should instead highlight and emphasize the quality, usability, and accessibility of the dataset, database, or other data product and should describe extensive, carefully prepared metadata and file structures. Articles in this category may include instrumentation, methodology, data extraction, or data treatment, but only when this information helps quantify uncertainties or otherwise facilitates the validation of the data; in all cases, this information should not be the focus of the paper.
- Brief communications are high-impact original research articles that deserve rapid publication. They should report matters of current interest for the wind energy research community. They will be peer-reviewed and should be short (2–4 journal pages). Brief communications have a maximum of three figures and/or tables, a maximum of 20 references, and an abstract length not exceeding 100 words. The manuscript title must start with "Brief communication:".
- Commentaries and perspectives are written or commissioned by the editor-in-chief, and are reviewed and approved for publication by the chief editors. They comment on topical issues of public interest relating to research published in Wind Energy Science. They do not contain unsolicited material, nor technical comments on peer-reviewed research papers.
- Peer-reviewed comments continue the discussion of preceding papers beyond the limits of immediate interactive discussion. They may be longer and submitted later than the comments exchanged in the interactive public discussion of preprints in WESD. They undergo the same process of peer review, publication, and interactive discussion as research articles. The manuscript title should start with "Comment on" or "Reply to".
- Corrigenda correct errors in preceding papers. The manuscript title reads as follows: Corrigendum to "TITLE" published in WES, VOLUME, PAGES, YEAR. Please note that corrigenda are only possible for final revised journal papers and not for the corresponding preprints. Corrigenda have to be submitted to Copernicus Publications within 3 years from the publication date of the original journal article. Should there be reasons for publishing a second corrigendum within these 3 years, the first one will be substituted by a single new corrigendum containing all relevant corrections. A corrigendum should be submitted by email to the Editorial Support team.