Journal subject areas

Wind Energy Science welcomes contributions on the following topics:

  • wind and the atmosphere (atmospheric physics; wind and turbulence);
  • fluid mechanics (wind turbine aerodynamics; wakes and wind farm aerodynamics; aeroacoustics; hydrodynamics);
  • dynamics and control (dynamics and aeroservoelasticity; wind turbine control; wind farm control);
  • wind technologies (design concepts and methods for plants, turbines and components; systems engineering; offshore technology; airborne technology);
  • materials and operation (material science and structural mechanics; structural monitoring and testing; fatigue; end-of-life assessment and lifetime extension; operation and maintenance, condition monitoring, reliability);
  • electrical conversion, integration and impacts (electrical conversion, grid integration and Wind-to-X; forecasting and market integration; sustainability, environmental and socio-economic aspects).
Editor in chief Chief editors Thematic areas Area-specific topics Associate editors
Carlo L. Bottasso Jakob Mann
Julia Gottschall
Area 1
Wind and the atmosphere
Atmospheric physics
Wind and turbulence
Archer, Aubrun, Bastankhah, Basu, Brunner, Cal, Cheynet, Gottschall, Hahmann, Lundquist, Mann, Meyers, Peinke, Peña, Schmehl, Yamaguchi
Sandrine Aubrun Area 2
Fluid mechanics
Wind turbine aerodynamics
Wakes and wind farm aerodynamics
Archer, Aubrun, Bastankhah, Bianchini, Branlard, Brunner, Cal, Hahmann, Lundquist, Mann, Meyers, Peinke, Peña, Schmehl, Sørensen, Uzol
Hydrodynamics Bachynski-Polić, Branlard, Brunner, Collu, Robertson, Sørensen, Uzol
Paul Fleming Area 3
Dynamics and control
Dynamics and aeroservoelasticity Aubrun, Bachynski-Polić, Bastankhah, Bianchini, Collu, Croce, Eguinoa, Fleming, King, Muskulus, Peinke, Schmehl, van Wingerden, Zhang
Wind turbine control
Wind farm control
Archer, Aubrun, Bachynski-Polić, Bastankhah, Cal, Dykes, Eguinoa, King, Lundquist, Meyers, Nejad, van Wingerden
Paul Veers Area 4
Wind technologies
Design concepts and methods for plants, turbines and components
Systems engineering
Bachynski-Polić, Bianchini, Collu, Croce, Dykes, Guo, Hu, Kolios, Muskulus, Nejad, Rolfes, Schmehl, Veers, Whale
Offshore technology Bachynski-Polić, Collu, Dykes, Guo, Muskulus, Nejad, Robertson, Rolfes, Whale
Airborne technology Croce, Guo, Schmehl, Veers, Whale
Athanasios Kolios Area 5
Materials and operation
Material science and structural mechanics
Structural monitoring and testing
End-of-life assessment and lifetime extension
Operation and maintenance, condition monitoring, reliability
Dimitrov, Guo, Hu, Jin, Kolios, Mikkelsen, Muskulus, Nejad, Rolfes, Sheng, Teuwen, Vidal
Nicolaos A. Cutululis Area 6
Electrical conversion, integration and impacts
Electrical conversion, grid integration and Wind-to-X Hansen, Ioannou, King, Kirch Kirkegaard
Forecasting and market integration Archer, Ioannou
Sustainability, environmental and socio-economic aspects Ioannou, King, Kirch Kirkegaard, Ram, Teilmann